Emma Barnett is the host of Woman's Hour and Newsnight - and she's also struggling to conceive her second child. In May this year she wrote a tell-all piece for the Times, in which she described her six (now seven) rounds of IVF and the miscarriage she suffered. Here, she tells Emma and Gabby what she's been through, how she holds down her career with debilitating endometriosis, and why she keeps going. Also - a drinking game!
Meanwhile, Prof T stages his glorious return, and Emma has Some News.
Swears throughout.
To read Emma Barnett's Times piece, click here (or go to https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/emma-barnett-five-rounds-of-ivf-one-miscarriage-and-no-baby-257tkztct). You can sign up for her newsletter, Trying, at emmabarnett.substack.com.